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The Electric Circuit

July 2024

CAFU - A mobile fast-charging solution

The CAFU mobile fast-charging solution is now in service in several Montreal boroughs. This additional charging solution aims to:

  • Facilitate access to EV charging in densely populated neighborhoods, especially for those without charging options at home
  • Provide back-up when charging stations are out of service in busy areas. 

Learn more here.

AVEQ helps us maintain a reliable network

From May 18th to 20th, AVEQ held its 2024 charging stations monitoring event. More than 50 volunteers were mobilized to visit over 4,000 charging stations across Quebec, checking their condition and reporting any problems to us. Thanks to their help, we were also able to add informative stickers to over 1,300 stations belonging to the City of Montreal, to prevent the frequent problem of inverted connectors.

We'd like to extend our warmest thanks to the AVEQ and its volunteers for this initiative. Their important involvement enables us to improve the service offered to electromobilists across the province.

June 2024

Please note: New charging rates at Level 2 standard charging stations
New charging rates come into effect for Level 2 standard charging stations on June 1, 2024.
For more information, please see our new Cost of charging page. 

March 2024

The affiliated charging station program, which now includes fast-charge stations, is expanding! 
The Electric Circuit is proud to announce the expansion of its charging station affiliate partners program in partnership with new fast-charge station distributors. The initiative aims to support transportation electrification and improve charging accessibility across our network. 

July 2023

Attention: New pricing at fast-charge stations!
A new rate at fast-charge stations of 100 kW and above will come into effect on July 20, 2023. 
For full details, check out our Cost of Charging page

May 2023

An impressive level of satisfaction!
Following a satisfaction survey conducted by the Electric Circuit among its members in the fall of 2022, many respondents testified to their satisfaction with various aspects of their user experience. Here are the highlights.

February 2023

The Electric Circuit launches an affiliated charging station program
This program will ramp up rollout of level-2 charging stations in urban parking lots to improve charging access. They look different, but they deliver the same quality service you find across the network.
More about affiliated charging stations   

Beware of fraudulent texts and emails!
Phishing texts and emails that appear to be from the Electric Circuit are circulating. 
The Electric Circuit will never send you documents or ask for your personal information by email or text. All official messages from the Electric Circuit will be sent to your inbox in your Electric Circuit account. 
Do you think you’ve received a fraudulent email or text? Here’s what to do

December 2022

First Operation Red Nose for the Electric Circuit!

Because road safety is everyone’s business, the Electric Circuit is pleased to join forces with Operation Red Nose for its 39th campaign. This year, EV drivers who volunteer to drive other motorists home will receive a charging credit for each evening they participate.

Find out more about Operation Red Nose

October 2022

New! The Electric Circuit marketing place.
The Electric Circuit is launching a marketplace where, for a limited time, members can get special perks that come with EV driving products and services!

See the current deals

Heavy vehicles
Launch of the charging network for heavy vehicles.

To know more about it

May 2022

Please note: New charging rates at Level 2 standard charging stations
New charging rates come into effect for Level 2 standard charging stations on June 1, 2022.
For more information, please see our new Cost of charging page. 


10 years after the launch of the Electric Circuit, what challenges lie ahead?

France Lampron, Hydro-Québec's Director-Mobility, and Daniel Breton, President and CEO of Electric Mobility Canada, met to discuss the challenges that lie ahead for the Electric Circuit. 

See the discussion in english. See the question period.


April 2022

Launch of the Electric Relay.

The Electric Circuit and AVÉQ are launching the Electric Relay, a province-wide tour of Québec, to spread the word about electric mobility. 

For more details and tour dates, read the press release. 

March 2022

The Electric Circuit is celebrating its 10th anniversary!

From a pioneer to an essential service, the most extensive public charging network in Quebec tells its story.

Read about the little network that just keeps growing.


February 2022

Certified EV Skills Service Centers
Are you looking for a garage with the expertise to work on your electric vehicle? The EV Skills Program (Compétences VE) is a skill certification program of the Conseil provincial des comités paritaires de l’industrie des services automobiles (CPCPA) that guarantees that a mechanic has completed an industry-recognized, provincial EV training program funded by Emploi-Québec. More information about the training program and how to find a certified garage

Survey 2021
Thank you to all the electromobilists who responded, 
here are the results of the 2021 survey

Attention: New pricing at fast-charge stations! 
New pricing at 24-kW, 50-kW and 100-kW fast-charge stations effective February 1, 2022. 
For more information on pricing, check our new Cost of Charging page

January 2022

Charging your electric vehicle during very cold weather

Here are a few tips to simplify your charging sessions when it’s cold outside.

December 2021

Electric Circuit and ChargePoint make it easier for drivers to access charging across Canada and North America

ChargePoint and Electric Circuit members are now able to charge on the other network without having to create a new account or new subscription. Members of the Electric Circuit will be able to access an additional 40,000 charging stations in North America and ChargePoint members will be able to access an additional 3,300 Electric Circuit charging stations, including near 600 fast charging stations.

To learn more, read the press release.

December 2021

Hydro-Québec honored with Canada-wide recognition

Hydro-Québec is the recipient of the award for the Canadian Electricity Association’s Centre of Excellence. The award recognizes the company’s leadership in developing the Electric Circuit, and the positive impact it has had for EV drivers.

For more information, visit the project page on the Centre of Excellence website:

July 2021

Discover the new program of exclusive promotional offers for members.

Discover the new features of the trip planner.

February 2021

December 2020

June 2020

New mobile app : Discover it!

Rollout of 100-kW Fast-Charge Stations: The Electric Circuit Selects Québec Company AddEnergie

L'AVÉQ (French only)

Statistiques SAAQ-AVÉQ sur l'électromobilité au Québec en date du 31 décembre 2024 [Infographie]

L'AVÉQ est très heureuse de vous présenter l’analyse du quatrième et dernier trimestre de 2024 concernant l'électromobilité au Québec. Ce portrait est rendu possible grâce à une analyse approfondie des données fournies par la SAAQ. Les enregistrements de véhicules électriques (VÉ) se chiffrent désormais à 376 246, soit une progression estimée à 38 392 véhicules pour le trimestre et de 124 104 pour l’année.Les données corrigées* d’immatriculation au 31 décembre 2024 (e [...]
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Voyages au Québec plutôt qu'aux USA, le Circuit électrique se prépare !

La Ville de Gaspé poursuit son virage vert avec l'installation de vingt nouvelles bornes de recharge du Circuit électrique d’Hydro-Québec dans le Grand Gaspé, qui en compte déjà 23 (incluant les bornes des réseaux Flo et RechargÉco). Neuf sites ont été sélectionnés dans les six quartiers, tous situés sur des terrains municipaux. Hydro-Québec fera l'installation de ces bornes. « C [...]
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Polestar contre-attaque avec une prime pour les propriétaires de Tesla

Le constructeur suédois de véhicules électriques Polestar lance une offensive commerciale en offrant une remise exclusive de 5000 $ aux propriétaires de Tesla prêts à changer de marque. Cette initiative, baptisée "À la conquête des Teslas", intervient alors que Tesla traverse une période difficile marquée par une baisse significative de ses ventes. Les acheteurs éligibles, qu’ils soient proprié [...]
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Record de ventes pour les véhicules électriques en 2024 mais c'est plus difficile pour les véhicules d'occasion.

En 2024, les ventes de véhicules électriques ont atteint un sommet grâce aux subventions gouvernementales, mais ces incitatifs ne font pas l’unanimité. Marc-Alexandre Tremblay, directeur de l’approvisionnement chez HGrégoire Saguenay, estime qu’ils nuisent au marché de l’occasion. « Il est extrêmement difficile de se procurer des véhicules électriques usagés, et la majorité des acheteurs pr&e [...]
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SWTCH propose une nouvelle solution pour la recharge en multi-logements

Un nouveau système de gestion de la recharge des véhicules électriques dans les immeubles résidentiels multi-unités promet de réduire considérablement les coûts des projets et d’améliorer l’efficacité. ​SWTCH Energy, un fournisseur de solutions intelligentes de recharge pour véhicules électriques basé à Toronto, a annoncé aujourd’hui le lancement de sa nouvelle [...]
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